Cheers to all the ladies out there who are brave enough to wear a scarf — whether it’s wool or silk, a funky pattern or plain, with a sweater, jumper, shirt, or just about anything else — while wearing their leather jacket. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that wearing your scarf with your leather jacket is every bit as smart as when you wear it with other pieces. That’s because when you layer a scarf over a leather jacket, you’ll instantly give it an edge, whether the scarf is plain or patterned.

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It is one of the most common fashion questions of our time, but the number of people are still divided about this issue. A scarf looks great with an overcoat and even a fur coat, but what about a leather jacket? The answer is yes, you can wear both in the same outfit. But there are some things to remember while wearing such combinations. If you are wearing a scarf with a leather jacket, choose something that is thicker and has more volume. A scarf made of wool has a different effect than a silk scarf.
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